August 15, 2012

The trip to Taipei: A travel dairy for myself (Day 2)

Day 2 - Walk leisurely in Tamsui

An open space outside Tamsui MRT Station.

After a night of strolling night markets, we headed to Tamsui / Danshuei District (淡水)for some sightseeings. As soon as we alighted from the train, I had a sensation that the heat started to steam up your body, dehydrating you with a sudden exposure of ultraviolet ray. It's also a typical climate same in Hong Kong. Regardless of this, weather does not normally impact your curiosity and joy to stroll and look around.

"101 Tower", crisps baked in a swirl around a long bamboo stick,
with a variety of seasoning to choose from,
 one of quintessential appetizers in Taiwan.

Nevertheless, torrential rain arrived soon after we entered into the main street, unfortunately. Umbrella opened, we continued to walk along the street to the junction. More snack stores opened along the street, ranging from coffee shops to unique Taiwanese edible souvenirs, and some convenient stores.

There wasn't things that were fascinating, we went to a noodle shop with its fame for cooked vegetable and tofu wrap (the name is forgotten, but anyway not as scrumptious as I thought).

A statue situated along the promenade

Torrential rain followed. Nothing interested really, and we finally left the place soaked with rain and as well it altered our itinerary. As what the first photograph illustrated, the open space area has no shelter either and thus even umbrellas didn't do any good when rain was pouring, particularly when the ground was semi-flooded. This is a problem that some planners / local councilors shall look into in near future.

We hideously soaked and managed to get into MRT and headed back to Taipei downtown.

To be continued...

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